On Fri, 7 Dec 2012 16:26:39 +0800 (WST), David Adam wrote:

> On Fri, 7 Dec 2012, Luciano ES wrote:
> > Now pray tell, how do you make such small binaries? All of your 
> > packages, whole packages, are just under or above 1 MB. In my
> > system, with fish compiled from source, the sum of fish + fishd +
> > fish_indent + fish_pager is more than 2.5 MB. What's the trick?
> Do you have debugging symbols turned on? objdump -t /usr/bin/fish
> will tell you. I suspect this is not the problem, as the symbols on
> my system take up about 5MB, but it's a good place to start.

I have no idea!

$ objdump -t /usr/local/bin/fish | wc -l

$ objdump -t /usr/local/bin/fish | grep debug
790:08145947 l     F .text      00000047              _ZL12should_debugi
791:0814598e l     F .text      0000015e              
792:08177440 l     O .rodata    000000be              
901:081545dc l     F .text      000000bc              _ZL14debug_safe_intiPKci
952:080e42d6 g     F .text      0000005a              
1148:08145aec g     F .text     00000086              _Z5debugiPKwz
3165:08145b72 g     F .text     000000ed              _Z5debugiPKcz
3424:08148181 g     F .text     00000014              debug_thread_error
5827:08145c5f g     F .text     000001b7              
6019:081b9654 g     O .data     00000004              debug_level

shrug :-\

Luciano ES

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