This message is from: "Linda Lottie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> about trying a syringe of apple sauce (get a really sweet brand) and some grain pieces mixed in? Use a syringe......she won't have a choice. Then, after she takes the meds.....give her hand treats like carrot or whatever she likes.

Sorry to hear she is ill.  Linda Baker Lottie in WI

<br><br><br>&gt;From: &quot;LYNN BINKOWSKI&quot; &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]&gt;<br>&gt;Reply-To:<br>&gt;To:<br>&gt;Subject: Need tasty treat for hiding Lyme disease medicine<br>&gt;Date: Mon, 01 Aug 2005 18:08:04 +0000<br>&gt;<br>&gt;This message is from: &quot;LYNN BINKOWSKI&quot; &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]&gt;<br>&gt;<br>&gt;My fjord recently was diagnosed w/ Lyme disease, fortunately her <br>&gt;only symptom has been shelly feet (an astute horsewoman suggested I <br>&gt;have a Lyme titer drawn after I mentioned that she couldn't keep <br>&gt;shoes on for more than 4-5 weeks). All 4 hooves just suddenly went <br>&gt;terrible, chipping, etc., though I do feed a hoof supplement and <br>&gt;apply hoof conditioners. Sure enough, the test came back strongly <br>&gt;positive, 1 to 5000.<br>&gt;<br>&gt;I need suggestions on ways to hide the tetracycline powder in some <br>&gt;tasty treat so Trina will eat it. She is being very stubborn and is <br>&gt;convinced we are trying to poison her. I have tried mixing it with:<br>&gt;grain<br>&gt;grain and molassess<br>&gt;grain and honey<br>&gt;dengie<br>&gt;dengie and sweet feed<br>&gt;<br>&gt;The dengie and dengie/sweet feed combination works for a few <br>&gt;mouthfuls, but then she must get a taste of the antibiotic and turns <br>&gt;up her nose.<br>&gt;<br>&gt;The entire process is further complicated in that Trina is normally <br>&gt;turned out 24/7 with 2 other horses, so must be brought into a stall <br>&gt;to be medicated. Leaving her cooped up hoping she'll get bored and <br>&gt;eat the stuff is a bit taxing, and could take hours. She needs the <br>&gt;medication twice a day for a month, so it would be nice to find <br>&gt;something she will scarf down! I'm thinking of pouring a can of beer <br>&gt;in the feedtub next!<br>&gt;<br>&gt;Help!<br>&gt;Lynn Towill and picky porky pony Trina<br>&gt;Plymouth, CT<br>&gt;<br>

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