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I'm reminded that all the recent hype about who  has the "best" stallion is 
the reason the NFHR has an effective Evaluation  Program. This Program is to 
determine a horse's comparison to the breed  standard. The NFHR  Record Book 
lists in detail the reasons WHY a Fjord is  given a mathematical reading of "X" 
and then that Fjord can be compared to  the breed standard in all details. If 
an owner is looking for specific qualities  of a Fjord then the NFHR Evaluation 
shows what they need to know. To say a  stallion, or gelding, or mare is "the 
best" or "the fastest" or "has the best  legs or hocks" is generally a 
subjective statement. Show me these result  in
   a NFHR Evaluation where the  horse is pitted against the  breed standard 
and I can then believe or disbelieve the claim.
     A  Horse Show pits one horse against the  others showing only in that 
class and the class may have only 2 horses. An  Evaluation pits the horse 
against the breed standard. These "objective" results  are what I want to see.
     In North America we have done a masterful job of  developing a gene pool 
of quality Fjords in a few recent years. This has been  accomplished by 
importing and breeding quality horses from several countries and  the current 
quality of North American Fjords compares very favorably to many  European 
countries. Without naming several top quality stallions in North  America (or 
owners). I can assure you that F H I (Fjord Horse  International) is very 
respectful of the current quality of the Fjord Horse in  North America and it 
continue to improve as we expand our NFHR Evaluation  Program.
Alan Merrill

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