This message is from: Genie Dethloff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

... it's downright deceptive to those people seeking ..

....I feel I've been shabbily treated in the extreme...

... NFHR is seeking to cash in on my book --  ...

 ... --  They MUST immediately stop offering this impersonation.  And if they
wish to make it available, they MUST title it totally different from the book I wrote.
What the NFHR has done is NOT acceptable.

Regards,  Carol Rivoire

What a scathing and paranoid email. Why would such an accomplished, successful woman be so paranoid of nonprofit organization that supports the breed she loves and that provides her livelihood.

What if one or two people were confused and bought the $5 "version", but you lost 15 people to your driving school and another 25 who might purchase your fjords because they didn't now trust a paranoid person!

I'm sorry to be so blunt but I am sick of people who feel they must blast this organization, eventhough it is made of almost all hardworking, fjord loving, volunteer workers and is not a pack of malicious money and power grubbing executives!

Please people, check out the facts first, air your grievences with the appropriate NFHR personnel/board/committee member, and then if you still think we all need to know, send a simple and factual email alerting us to the important information.

Genie Dethloff
Ann Arbor, Michigan

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