This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> this is the second or third reference I've read now about their Fjords not holding a canter for extended length of time or not liking to canter?....does anyone else feel this way?
Gustav will drop out to a trot immediately if I don't continue to ask him to canter and keep him in the gait (don't know if I am explaining that correctly?!). he is like "hey I'm done with this now!' like Mark said, after few times around some days and other days could just go and go......!!! :-) Reena This message is from: "Skeels, Mark A \(GE Healthcare\)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> My experience with ours is that they also have a nice canter, but maybe because of training or rider experience, don't like to stay in the canter very long. A time or two around the ring and they are ready to trot again.