This message is from: Crystal Garland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello, Everyone!

I just got the Fjord newsletter, (couple days ago, busy) and I wanted to help 
at the booth. My grandmother an I. I would like to work Saturday and any other 
day(S) that are needed. 

Also, I didn't knwo if anyone knew if we could get tickets to Fantasia. My 
grandmother said we could only go if we got tickets to that and then it would 
be awsome! Please contact me ASAP so I can plan my destination and other junk 
on leaving.

Could I bring a-two Fjord geldings? If I could also, please let me know. I 
CANNOT work Thursaday, unless you really need me because of school. I can work 
Friday, but if you don't need me a gain, school, but I can take one day of or 
two IF NEEDED. I want to help, but my grades need help too..cough, cough***. 

 thank you, for reading, and again please contact me ASAP
 Check out the new Yahoo! Front Page.

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