This message is from: David Hagen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Have you tried something like Coppertox or Dr. Naylor's Hoof-N-Heal? Copper Sulfate does a great job of killing the offending bacteria. I have also used a product called Matatox on my sheep. It's similar to Coppertox in that it contains copper sulfate, but it is more effective than a pour-on because it is in a vaseline-like base. I have never been faced with foot problems in my Fjords (knock on wood) and have never tried it on them, but it truly works wonders for sheep.

Here's a link to a supplier in Iowa:

I suggest buying a few jars of the stuff and liberally applying some all over the frog and elsewhere on the underside of the hoof every other day or so.

If the bacteria that causes thrush is anything like the bacteria that cause foot rot or foot scald in sheep, then you also need to keep your horse off pasture for about two weeks. The sheep folks at the UW-Madison have said that the bacteria that causes foot rot (and I suspect it is very similar to the thrush bacteria) are anaerobic. They can survive in the ground for two weeks without a host, but will die after that due to exposure to oxygen. To get rid of the bacteria the pasture needs to be left empty for at least two weeks. Otherwise, you might clear up the infection through treatment only to have the animal pick up the bacteria again in the pasture and the cycle starts all over again.

Good luck!

David Hagen

At 12:35 PM 10/29/2004 -0500, Warren Stockwell wrote:
This message is from: "Warren Stockwell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have been fighting this thrush all summer and haven't been getting it to GO
AWAY! I have been using bleach and had seen some improvement so kept up the
good work. I am concerned that with the winter coming that I am going to have
even more trouble if I can't get it gone. Anyone have a favorite treatment for
this stuff. Junior's frog is almost gone in one foot but the others seem to be
getting better.

Any suggestions??

New Prague MN
71 here and snow expected Monday This weather is skrewie!

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