This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 6/29/2004 5:19:28 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

> You mix the betadine into the white sugar until you get a thick syrup 
> like honey or molasses.  When you paint it on, it stays active longer 
> than plain betadine.  The high sugar content inhibits bacteria and 
> fungus growth

It is interesting what you are saying about the use of white sugar and its 
use to prevent bacteria and fungus growth.  I have a rescue keeshond here (I do 
keeshond rescue) and she came to me with cruciate ligament repair surgery and 
they put a plate in her leg, and she had gotten an infection.  I have been 
having to change bandages and keep her from licking the wound, but I was told 
pour white sugar into the sore and I have been doing that and sure enough, - 
no more infection and the wound as closed almost all the way.
I had her in to the vet today to be checked and was told to keep putting 
sugar in the wound and keep it wrapped the best I can.  She is definitely 
responding to this treatment and I had never heard about it before.
Thanks for sharing.
Rondi Tyler.
So. Calif.

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