This message is from: "Ruth Bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Now another of our driving school horses has come up with anemia.  --  BDF
Quasar, a 5 yr. old gelding, ...>
> I read up on anemia in horses and it's considered fairly rare, and is not
due to a lack of iron; therefore, blood building supplements like Red Cell
are not recommended anymore  --  at least according to what I read on the
> Internet.  They mentioned Folic Acid depletion, and lack of enough
> elenium.  --  Carol

SORRY to hear about Quasar's difficulties (can't believe he's 5 yrs already,
seems like "we" just picked out his name) Usually when people hear the word
"anemia" they are inclined to think of what's nutritionally lacking, this
could be misleading.. anemia is more of a clinical sign than a diagnosis and
one of the two most common causes of anemia is diet... and perhaps not
necessarily a lack!

Could it possibly be an ingredient in his past diet..? Nutrient imbalances
can lead to anemia, not shortages, but surpluses. For example, I read this
item about leaves.. "Actually, *fresh* red maple leaves are harmless. The
wilted leaves however... cause a hemolytic anemia"
I also read something about large quantities of Broccoli causing anemia...
of course you haven't done that, but I mention it as an example of a
nutritional imbalance.

I know you've mentioned before that you feed the residual product of the
sugar beet and while I KNOW it is highly acclaimed (see link below) I also
can't help but wonder if perhaps there might be the odd horse that doesn't
assimilate it well, perhaps because of its fibrous quality? (I have seen a
few disparaging references in pet food sites)  Point being, I would try
changing the existing diet and opt for simple good quality natural grass (an
old remedy is sometimes the best remedy  =))

Best of luck to Quasar, Ruthie, nw mt

all you ever wanted to know about beet pulp

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