This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Fjords and drafts usually show lower PCV's than a lot of other breeds.  but
25 IS Bjarne, when he had the shoulder infection and surgery (staph
infection) had a long course of antibiotics..which dropped his red cell
count.  So something like that could be happening.

Another thing to check out is EPSM, for the stiffness, lameness, etc.
check out Dr. Beth Valentine's articles on the Rural Heritage Website, EPSM
is quite common in draft breeds, and found in many other breeds as
well..including Fjords.  EquinePolySaccharideMyopathy. EPSM is a muscle
disease  in which carbohydrates are not properly utilizd, and the diet
change adding oil and reducing the grains and other carbohydraes is
necessary. from Dr. Valentines article:
"The muscle disease Equine Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy (EPSM) has been
confirmed or suspected in over 100 draft horses, includin Belgians,
Percherons, Clydesdales, Shires, Haflinger, Norwegian Fjord, Irish Draught,
Friesian, draft crosses, and a draft mule. This newly-recognized disease,
under research at the College of Veterinary Medicine at Oregon State
University, has likely been around for hundreds of years. It has been
identified in many breeds of horse, but appears to be particularly common,
severe, and difficult to detect in the draft breeds."
Other articles can be found at:

There is also a very good discussion forum:
Cehck out the archives.

Jean in cold and rainy Fairbanks, Alaska, no snow yet...

and I went
>to back him out of the straight stall, and he was reluctant to back up.
>When I got him out I noticed he was very stocked up in all four legs.  -- 
>We gave him a bute, hosed him with cold water, walked him, and the swelling
>went down, and he was moving much better.
>Then, this Friday morning when we went to bring him in from the field, he
>was walking like an old arthritic horse.  He seemed off on the left
>ront.  --  I got the vet to come out, and he examined him thoroughly
>including nerve blocks and x-rays, and a blood test.  --  The nerve blocks
>showed nothing.  The x-rays were clean, but the bloodtest came back with the
>PCVs at 24 when the norm is 30 - 45 (or close to those numbers --  I can't
>remember exactly).

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