This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Friends of mine have this same problem with one of their Fjord geldings.
Ever since he was born..they figured it was too rich milk, but it still
occurred when weaned.  Then they checked for worms, wormed with the Panacur
Power pack.  still occurred.  Tried Probiotics, Still happened.  Now they
are thinking it might be timothy hay, so will get some Brome and feed him
that.  He is otherwise healthy and fat, and sometimes normal, and they
think they have fixed it, then it happens again.  Green stuff will cause it
to occur.   Maybe you should try some Senior feed instead of trhe sweet
feed. I have heard that sometimes fixes runny stools in the older horses.

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska

>every green thing he gets hold of gives him gas and causes the loose stool
>though he is not at all sick.  They have very little grass, their main food
>source is sun cured timothy hay....with  2 cups sweet feed per day....( 1
>cup twice daily).  He is also spitting out clumps of hay.  Would he still be
>cutting teeth?  He turned 3 in the spring. (Storm never had this problem.)
>Peppin does get hold of the odd green apple (Randy has cut down almost all
>the apple trees so  he gets very few apples).  He does eat green leaves over
>the fence , however.  We are debating taking in a stool sample to the vet
>lab.  I was wondering if any of you have had this problem and if so what you
>did about it  He seems to feel fine. (I am wondering if it could be the
>grain. Randy is trying to get his weight up so he gets grain daily.)

Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

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