This message is from: "Sue" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello....I have not written in for quite awhile. In fact I have been so busy
that I am way behind in reading my emails.
Our two Fjords, Storm and Peppin are now broke to drive and ride. Randy
broke them himself....though I am breaking Peppin to saddle myself. He is an
angel to work with.  Storm is 5 and Peppin is now 3.  Some time ago, I wrote
in asking what the cause could be for chronic runny stool in the three year
old.  We worm every 3 to 4 months, however Peppy still has "the runs". He is
only normal occasionly with the "runs" being common for him. It seems,
every green thing he gets hold of gives him gas and causes the loose stool
though he is not at all sick.  They have very little grass, their main food
source is sun cured timothy hay....with  2 cups sweet feed per day....( 1
cup twice daily).  He is also spitting out clumps of hay.  Would he still be
cutting teeth?  He turned 3 in the spring. (Storm never had this problem.)
Peppin does get hold of the odd green apple (Randy has cut down almost all
the apple trees so  he gets very few apples).  He does eat green leaves over
the fence , however.  We are debating taking in a stool sample to the vet
lab.  I was wondering if any of you have had this problem and if so what you
did about it  He seems to feel fine. (I am wondering if it could be the
grain. Randy is trying to get his weight up so he gets grain daily.)
We had a fun day on Saturday.  We took the "boys" in a parade.  They were
hooked to oour red wagon and Randy and I, one of our sons, his girlfriend
and another friend sat in the wagon. We took first place in the horse
category!  There were two other horses in the parade.  We also took best
"family entry". We only had one little scary episode.  Just as we turned
into the park  to be judged,  a friend of mine's boyfriend unthinkingly
shook out his red jacket right in front of Storm's nose.  That did
it....Storm took off immediatly, dragging Peppin with him. Fortunately we
were prepared....we had a man walking just ahead and off to the side of
them.  He snubbed them before they got anywhre, calming Storm down
immediatly.  So everything was ok and the "team" walked quietly over and
stood to be judjed.
Friends of ours were here tonite and Peppins right hind leg was black with
runny poop.  It had run right down the whole length of his leg.  He has been
doing this off and on for months...but as I say, he seems to suffer no ill
effects from this.  Could it be his teeth causing this?...or grain....leaves
worms  or what?  Suggestions anyone?  Is a stool sample to the vet lab in
Well it is half past eleven at night and I am falling asleep.  Any
suggestions on the "runs" would be appreciated.
 Happy "Fjording" everyone,
Sue in N.B. (Desert Storm's and Deer Country Peppin's mom..

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