This message is from: "Paulaj Steinmetz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This recent wildlife thread on the list has prompted me to write. Under
unusual conditions, the wildlife we share our environment can exhibit
"extreme" behaviors to adapt. The recent rains in the Midwest (19 INCHES
in the past month I've been hearing) have flooded normal wildlife
habitat. These critters usually stick to our woods and swamps, but the
rains have driven them to higher ground - and into our backyards and
streets! They will do what it takes to survive - even getting close to
us - if their survival is at stake.

Case in point - I was driving home late the other night from work - thru
the city - and saw a coyote running down my (very urban) street with a
rabbit in its mouth. I wouldn't think a coyote would be much of a threat
to a full grown Fjord, but a family pet or new foal might get into
trouble with one of these buggers. Being aware of what is going on in
their environment - as well as our own - is the key for "peaceful"
co-existence with the wild ones!

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