This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 08:55 PM 5/12/99 -0400, you wrote:
What in the world is a non-professional breeder? Is this another " Back
Yard Breeder " catagory.....or just implying that someone dosnt make their
SOLE income from breeding Norwegian Fjords?     I for one, have met many
Fjord breeders in the last  10 years, and not one of them can claim that they
only breed these horses for a living.

And I have probably met and talked to many more. I don't know of any that make their SOLE income from Fjords either. Not even Carol at Beaver Dam Farm does. I guess I would like to hear the definition of a "Professional Breeder" too. Or the definition of a "Non-Professional Breeder". Actually I would like to know what others think the term "Breeder" means. To me the "Breeder" is the owner of the mare at the time of service. So anyone can be a breeder as long as you are a owner of a mare. Owning a stallion only makes you a stallion owner it doesn't make you a breeder (Professional or otherwise).



Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Registrar
Voice 716-872-4114
FAX 716-787-0497

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