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In a message dated 99-05-12 06:01:23 EDT, you write:

 Hello from Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm Fjords in Nova Scotia -
 For a long time now I've thought that the formation of a BREEDER'S
 ASSOCIATION would be beneficial to breeders and to the breed.  Such an
 organization would be able to address the needs specific to breeders (new
 breeders, established breeders, maybe even non-professional breeders.)  All
 that could be decided by the interested participants.  Such an organization
 could, for example, do co-operative advertising.  It could also speak with
 a united voice to the NFHR on issues of importance to breeders.  It could
 organize Evaluations . . . sponsor them even.  


      Hi List from warm So. Calif. ( 85 )  

     I wanted to comment on this idea, brought out by Carol. In my heart, Im 
NOT sure why this would be a BAD idea, but for the life of me, I cant figure 
out why another  and new group would be nessessary, or wanted.....given the 
efforts of recent years to bring the seperate Norwegian Fjord groups 

    I have a couple of questions:

     What in the world is a non-professional breeder? Is this another " Back 
Yard Breeder " catagory.....or just implying that someone dosnt make their 
SOLE income from breeding Norwegian Fjords?     I for one, have met many 
Fjord breeders in the last  10 years, and not one of them can claim that they 
only breed these horses for a living. 

     So,  given that most ( if not all ) of us fall into the non-professional 
breeder catagory, what would a different and seperate group, do to help me? I 
already co-op advertising  here in So. Calif. with another breeder, and they 
also offer me WEB space for my Stallion and Fjords for sale on their 
site.....This only takes communication, and friendship. No reason to compete 
here, this California market is starved for nice Fjords, and neither of us 
has ever advertised any of our stock, without selling rather quickly. 

     I also wonder if, " speaking to the NFHR in a United Voice " is not 
already occuring? With the access we all have to the BOD, and the Herald, and 
this list, not to mention the chat groups, <VBG> communication is better in 
the Fjord horse world than it has ever been. Sometimes I wonder if the 
INTERNET hasnt brought all of us together in a way, that 10 years ago, just 
didnt happen. I for one, have sure met alot of you here.....

    One last thought, ( promise ) I can only guess at the amount of work it 
takes to put on an Evaluation. I know that it took the Midwest Fjord club 
quite awhile and TONS of work to put a great one together. I would think that 
anyone undertaking this huge amount of responsibility would LOVE any kind of 
hand, taking care of millions of details. If someone was interested, Im sure 
you could help, and Im not sure of how, logistically, a group of professional 
( ?) and non-professional breeders would be able to pull off putting an 
Evaluation together, given that is is held locally SOMEWHERE.....and where 
would the responsibility fall to delagate the tons of local details ?  

    The idea of a Breeder group, sponsoring its own Evaluation is a 
dangerious one. One needs only to look at the implications of one breeder ( 
example ), active in sponsoring its own Evaluation, and having his own horses 
win......EVEN IF HE HAPPENS TO OWN WONDERFUL could ( unfairly 
with the best of intentions ) turn into a situation similar to the Paint 
Horse world, where we spent years sucking up to just the right judges, 
trainers, and had to pay 200.00 for 10 min. time to have someone else lead 
our horse into a show ring, to have a chance at a big ribbon. No thanks, been 
there, done that. I am NOT implying that any of our fine Evaluators, or 
Breeders have done that, but to sponser your own game, is a little bit risky, 
given that the most active people prob. WOULD have the best Evaluated they are spending the most time and money to promote the breed, 
therefore have the best bred horses. ( Just a guess )

 * kind of like asking the fox to mind the chicken house. 

    Just my .05 cents.....flame away !           Lisa Pedersen   Pedersens 
Norco, Ca.  PAV FJORDS

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