This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear list
 I am somewhat new at this. Meaning computer on line stuff 
and having a horse. It was just my great fortune, that at my 
age I happened to fall into such a great breed of horse. I 
have had the dream of all little girls and wanted my own 
horse. I lucked out when I turned 38 and decided that I was 
not getting any younger. Circumstances being what they were 
at the time my perfect horse was waiting for me.Of course it 
was a Fjord, and after talking to his Dad Dusty, (who 
assured me that he would be perfect for me, I think Dusty 
was just trying to get me off his back) I needed a horse of 
my own and he needed an owner.. (or someone to pay the feed 
bill) Any way I'm sorry this is getting so long winded but 
there is a deleat button. I'v been taking lessons and we 
went for our first trail rides about this time last 
year.What a blast. Most of my friends,(or who ever I can con 
into going trail riding with me,) have quarter horses, 
arabs,thoroughbreds etc... horses with legs. Anyway, at the 
start of the ride, Riedar and I are having to move right out 
just to keep up. By the end of the ride guess who is right 
out front and ready for more... you guessed it!!! Our Fjord. 
He was not even broke when I bought him and he has come so 
far. During one of our rides, there was some trees blown 
down across the trail. The other horses would not leave the 
trail and go thru brush around trees ect. to the other side. 
I thought "oh know, we'll have to go all the way around and 
not get home until after dark" I asked Rider to step off the 
trail and he never even hesitated or questioned me. He was 
wonderful. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I could 
not have bought a better horse for myself. A definte 
beginer, but with the right trainer a young horse and a 
starting rider can go as far as we want to go. And we are 
having a great time. Sorry to take up so much space, 
   Bye for now  Debbie and Riedar   

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