This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi All-

First let me say how much I enjoy your posts. I mostly lurk because, until 
today, I was not a Fjord owner. That has changed! My wonderful boys were 
delivered this evening.

I was on pins and needles all day, knowing that my trusted transport person 
was battling snow and traffic jams in a 230 mile journey. After more than 6 
hours on the road, "Tommes" & "Rafael" backed out of the trailer (which I 
ended up buying in the bargain, long story) into their new home. My stable 
owner had the pasture all set up with a newly repaired fence and shelter, hay 
and fresh water waiting. She was concerned that they might freak out, or be 
cold, or need a blanket (tehe). These two troopers simply looked around, peed 
-excuse the pun- like racehorses, then put their heads down to eat grass. 

I can't wait to start working with these guys, just developing the 
relationship. I'd love to hear any advice or stories about when you first 
brought home your Fjords. I am also looking forward to a Gawani Pony Boy 
clinic in June, his methods are really what I am looking for. What methods do 
you all use?


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