This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Gail, Im glad some else has a gelding with quantities of "goo" smeared on
his legs..  I have to clean my big boy every month and sure enough about
three weeks later, ugh, all over the place.  I have tried going three or
four months but it just piles up and the odor....Yuk!  Best luck I have is
to finish off the cleaning with iodine scrub, it does not burn him.   At
least he does not resist at all, would hate to have him cavorting about at
17:2 hands.  No more barn!  I may just get around to that clicker training
one of these days.  Jean Gayle
>We have a range-raised QH - 9 years old whose *owner* was appalled when I
>said we planned to clean his sheath.  >>Well Brian I will now add "clean
the sheath" to my vets duties.  I am
>>certainly never going to do it.
>Gail Russell
>Forestville CA

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