This message is from: "Tom Hans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thank you Mike for responding so quickly.  If any of the approved
evaluators are reading this please respond to me privately at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
about your interest, or lack of, in participating/judging an evaluation for
the MWFHC in July, 2000.  The exact dates are not yet available as we, if
we have it,  must have it approved by the Fairbault Co Fair Board (Blue
Earth, MN) so that we can have it in conjunction with our annual show.  The
expected dates would be the last weekend in July.  I have not talked to the
fair board yet.  I may be sticking my foot in my mouth as I have not
conferred with the other MWFHC Board members and the general membership,
but from comments I have heard I suspect that many people are interested. 
We will hopefully know soon.
        First I would like to know how many people reading this list would want 
participate in this proposed National evaluation.  Please provide me with
the number of horses you would like to have evaluated in one or more of the
categories and provide any comments that might be relevant and helpful to
getting and keeping this process going.  Again please e-mail me personally
so that we do not tie up digest space and I will then return to the digest
with a number and comments in the future.
        Mike please help me and the others out there keep the fire burning under
the BOD so that Evaluation Committee's recommendation can be approved or
modified so that the evaluators and the participants know what is expected
and where we are going.  This "Work in Progress" will never be complete. 
If it is, we will reach a point of stagnation and the learning curve will
stop learning.  Thanks for the positive comments about the MWFHC winter
meeting, we want our and all members of the NFHR to become more
knowledgeable about the fjord.  Plans are in the works for more education
in the future and hope that the next seminar will be as well received.
        I will not get very deep into the conversation of  breeders and geldings
but I want to also thank Mike for his positive comments about geldings and
their representation of the breed.  Geldings are and always will be the
backbone of any horse breed.  We need quality mares and stallions to
produce them hence my extreme interest in the evaluation process.  I own a
Fjord stallion and was very disappointed in his and my performance at the
last evaluation held at Blue Earth.  If we can not do better, he will end
up a fantastic gelding.  The breeders of fjords must be selective in the
stallions we keep and choose stallions for their mares with not just
thinking about getting a baby, but in improving upon the breed.  We are
happy with Haakon's first foal crop and are anticipating his second.  I am
biased but so far feel that his offspring are equal to or better than the
mares he has covered.  We have seen 8 out of ten of his offspring and am so
far happy with him/them.  This next 10 foals my change our mind and again
he will become a gelding.  We are also interested in what the next 5 years
brings in that I feel we won't know what he has produced until the foals
are mature.
        Thanks for listening,        Respectfully,  Tom Hans, President, MWFHC 

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