This message is from: Mike May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 09:07 PM 2/27/99 -0600, you wrote:
>This message is from: "Tom Hans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Dear Mike and all,
>       I guess I am confused about having an evaluation.  My understanding is
>that at present we have no evaluators-  Is this incorrect.  

As far as I know this is incorrect.  Wayne did tell me that he didn't want
to do anymore.  Jim has never that I know of said that to anyone
officially.  I am not sure that Wayne has officially said he will not do
anymore at all or not either.  He is (I am pretty sure) still interested in
doing some education type stuff with us.  Like the clinic that your group
just held and was a very big success from what I have heard.  We need more
of these kind of events they are a wonderful way for people to be educated
about the Fjords.  Congratulations to your group for a wonderful event.

>Am I wrong in
>that the NFHR BOD has to make some decisions on the recommendations of the
>Evaluation Committee before another evaluation can be held?  

Yes this is incorrect.  The system is still in tact as far as I know.  I
know of at least 2 people that are completely qualified to do an evaluation
right now.  They have both been to Norway to the stallion show and have
also been at Norwegian evaluations here in the US as the "American Judge"

>Is it just rumors that Wayne and Jim will no longer work together 

I will not comment on rumors.  As far as I know Wayne is still reading this
list.  If he wants to confirm that he can.

>and that we need two
>evaluators and that there are no other choices?  

We do according to our present rules still need 2 evaluators.  There are
other choices however.

>Did the board decide
>something since the the middle of February about training more evaluators
>and giving them the "license" to evaluate?  

The proposal put forth by the Eval committee is still not approved as it
was written.  I don't know if it will be or not as written.  It is still a
"Work in Progress" so to speak.  However even if it was approved tomorrow
it would not provide new evaluators for several years.  It is not an
overnight operation.  No magic wand is ever used for this process.  We do
need a training program for evaluators and we do need one setup soon.  We
are on the right track with it and people are going to have to grow some
thick skins when some of these issues are discussed.  

>P.S.  The MWFHC will have another evaluation in 2000 if I have any say
>about it.  Yes I'll do, and am aware of the work.

Please put this request in a letter to the NFHR BOD.  It can be an email if
you want.  You can send it to me and I will make sure it is on the next BOD
meeting agenda.  Put some dates with it, a location and contact people.  I
know you are aware of the amount of work.  I commend you and all of the
members of the MWFHC for all of your efforts in the midwest.  It is nice to
see such an active group as yours is.  You have a wonderful group of people


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