Howdy List!
I just thought I'd jump in with my thoughts on Evals and why ,I, as a
breeder am more than willing and wanting to participate in the Evals. Be
they American, Dutch or Norwegian!  As a breeder I am very interested in
having our stock evaluated to know the good and the faults. This certainly
helps to make an informed decision when matching a mare to our stallion or
our mare to another stallion. I don't do it for the "status" it can give to
some, as mentioned. I would encourage those who don't have breeding stock to
also participate in Evals, as these are the Fjords being produced by the
breeders. This can give valuable feedback with our particular matches of
Dams and Sires. 
Saying that 90 % of the NFHR have not even evaluated their horses is jumping
the gun alittle to quick. The American Evaluations were just started in
1995(I may be wrong, was one done in "94?). It takes alot to put together an
Enough people have to committ with a $50 deposit and then hopefully come
through. We committed to Blue Earth, MN this year and due to personal
reasons could not attend. This was a big dissappoint!  Going thru an Eval
with different horses or the same ones being done again, maybe in tip top
shape this time, is very educational and informative. I know I will never
know it all, far from it, and am always willing to learn more.
Mike, maybe you can answer this one- Does the NFHR still put the Dutch or
Norwegian Eval awards on the NFHR Registration papers?  
Anton, even though this might  be the case (with the NFHR not recognizing
your Eval with the Dutch ) you still should get your Dutch Papers and
Certificates from Bob Von Bon. Our mares were evaluated here by the Dutch
and Norwegian  over the last 7 years, as well as the Americans, and we have
their papers and they are listed in the Dutch studbook. As was brought up by
others on the list, a breeder's efforts to  get their livestock evaluated
can speak volumns. I do it out of dedication of doing right by these
wonderous creatures!  I wish that my husband and I could have gotten up to
your place for the Evaluation and visit from Bob!
Time to go out and change the dogs around-- two pups together on 80 acres
spells trouble, with hunters now very visisble in the woods!!  Now, only one
at a time is loose.  Hope you all have your holiday shopping done!! :-)  Sue

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