This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 07:03 PM 2/27/99 -0500, you wrote:
>This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     I assume this will be stopped before hitting the list, it's for YOU Mike.
>I notice that whenever I make an UNfavorable comment, such as complaining
>about big farm owners who beat their chests about their breeding programs and
>super stallions, while belittling small breeders and totally ignoring the
>average owners who may have a gelding or two and not even be in theor lofty
>loop. These people, the Revoires certainly high on the list, and the BoFjords
>too, would be wise to remember that without these little people, they would
>have to put a bullet into the heads of most of their male get, as there would
>be no market for them. I seriously wonder why I even remain on this list, just
>to be passed over and made to feel second-class because Lars has no testicles.
>Merek Geiger

Well I think this is a case where you maybe should have quoted a bit more
of the message you were referring to Merek.  I am really not sure what you
are upset with me for.  Or if you actually are.  I don't remember ever
making any "Unfavorable Comments" about geldings.  Unless saying that more
of the less than perfect stallions around should be geldings was taken as
an "Unfavorable Comment".  

I am a big PROmoter of geldings.  Geldings get used more than most
stallions ever would for showing in open or non breed shows or
demonstrations.  They are like someone else said free of the testosterone &
PMS problems and are normally level headed great using horses.  I never
could understand the European system of sending the stallions that don't
pass muster at the evaluations to someone's dinner table.  Geldings are
probably the best advertisements the Fjord world can get.  

If I missed your whole point I am sorry please explain more then.  I think
they all have their place Stallions, mares & geldings.  We have lots of
room for more of all of them in this huge country of ours.  Getting them
out and seen by other people is the key to selling more of them.



Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry                                  
Mike May, Registrar                                        
Voice 716-872-4114
FAX 716-787-0497

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