This message is from: Nancy Lehnert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Fiona asked why other than tradition does one trim the mane on a Fjord
I have seen first hand what can happen to the horse's neck if it has a
heavy mane left to grow long and flowing on one side of the neck.  It
breaks the muscle down, curving it so that even if the mane were cut in the
future relieving the pressure, the neck itself would stay curved to one
side!  I saw it on a stallion in New Mexico and a mare in Wisconsin. Some
folks allow the manes to grow out in the winter and roach them clear down
to the neck in the Spring. That takes away the pretty sculpted arch of the
mane so unique to the Fjord breed.
It takes a little more work, but I keep all of mine trimmed throughout the
year and they look so much better all the time.  That has been as many as
54 head at one time!  Now I'm down to 20 so it seems much easier! I use a
non-electric hand shear with a 3 1/2 inch blade.  I can do about 3 to 5
manes before I sharpen it with a small steel similar to what we use for
kitchen knives.
People have inquired about buying a shear for themselves so I have added
them for sale on out web site. Anyone interested in purchasing one can find
a photo of them on  or you can E-mail me.
Happy Trails,
Nancy, needing to "sculpt/trim" two more manes today! 

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