This message is from: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Saturday, Saturday, November 07, 1998, you wrote:

> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Arthur  Rivoire)

> Hello  - From Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia.

> Okay!  Okay!  No more advertising from me. Describe our wonderful Fjords by
> name, rank, and serial number only,. . . and without adjectives?  Impossible!

  As you originally pointed out, there have been horses and other
  items offered for sale here on the list in the past. Nobody objected
  to those advertisements. Perhaps that was because they were short,
  to the point, and submitted only once; in a word, unobtrusive.
  However, it seems that a lot of people, including me, could see that
  a major part of the list traffic was going to become "Carol's Horse
  of the Day".

  Your "Computers for Dummies" book was correct, most lists ban
  advertising outright. Even my new policy is more open than most. I
  feel you took unfair advantage of my generous policy with your
  verbose copy. Surely you wouldn't have the same reticence about
  dropping adjectives in classified space where you were paying by the
  word. It appears to me that the size of the display ads you run is
  somewhat governed by the ad rates of the various magazines.

  I think that if I were a professional horseseller, I would take
  advantage of any form of free advertising, whether it was press
  releases or once a month "name, rank and serial number listing".
  That way, if someone was looking for a "12 year-old 14.2hh gelding
  well trained to ride and drive", they could contact me and I could
  send them pages of glowing description with pictures attached. And I
  would certainly be delighted to know that I could present him again
  next month, and the month thereafter until I finally sold him. Oh
  well, to each their own.

  As for people being afraid to speak up for fear of being "pounced
  upon", I would like to say that of the dozen or so lists I
  participate in, this one is by far the most civil. Anyone who is
  scared here had better never try to "swim with the sharks" on USENET
  or any of the big horse lists.

  Finally, I resent your implications that there is any faction of the
  list against you and people on the list who you identify as your
  supporters. I don't think that there is any cause to try to start
  any "them against us" feeling here.

  This is the last time I intend to address this issue here. If anyone
  has problems with list policies, please address them to me off-list.

Steve McIlree & Cynthia Madden -- Pferd, Keyah, Skipper, Tank -- Omaha, 
Nebraska, USA
  People may talk of first love--but give me the flush, and triumph,
  and glorious sweat of a first ride. --George Borrow(1803-1881)

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