This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Arthur  Rivoire)

Hello  - From Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia.

Okay!  Okay!  No more advertising from me. Describe our wonderful Fjords by
name, rank, and serial number only,. . . and without adjectives?  Impossible!

For some odd reason, horse people hate to speak the words business and
horses in the same sentence.  But I'm in horses, and in business!  I'm a
professional horse breeder and importer. And we run an equine based tourism
business.  We're into horses professionally, which doesn't mean we love our
horses any less.

 The Oxford Dictionary defines "professional" as - One who makes his living
from what would normally be an avocation.  Making a living in the horse
business isn't easy.

But we've been successful for 18 years.  We've imported over eighty  high
quality Fjords from Europe, contributing immeasurably to Fjord breeding in
North America. ----  Sixty foals born on our farm, all without problems.
----  Close to 300 Fjordhorses purchased from us, all with satisfied
owners.  --- Had very few sick horses.---  We had one serious injury (with
a happy ending), and no deaths.  I'm proud of this record!  

 Keeping a quality, professional horse business going for 18 years takes
dedication, hard work, passion, a high profile, and lots of money. Horses
must be sold to generate that money, and advertising is how it happens.
Advertising is costly, and we do a lot of it.  So, when I was told that ads
for sale horses were welcome on the Digest and were free, how could I
resist?  Sorry that some peole didn't like them.  However, others  enjoyed
reading about our horses. 

In the last two days, several subscribers have written me privately saying
things like - "Chin up, Carol."  "Don't let them get you down.". . . "You
seem to take the brunt of all the criticism.". . . One woman wrote that she
had things to say, but would never say them now for fear of being "pounced

Carol Rivoire 



Carol and Arthur Rivoire
Beaver Dam Farm Fjords II
R.R. 7 Pomquet
Antigonish County
Nova Scotia
B2G 2L4
902 386 2304

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