This message is from: Mike May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am very happy to announce that the new Pedigree Lookup feature is now up and running on the NFHR Web Site.

Thanks go to our Education Committee member Lori Albrough of Capable Computing for the design of this new system. She put in an awful lot of hours on this as you will see when you try it out.

Please take a moment of your time to go and check it out. I think you will all be interested in some of the things you will be able to look up with it.

Here is the URL to it, or you can get it right from the main page:

Just type in a horses name or part of it and hit begin search. You can put in lots of other requests to it also. Like if you want to know which stallions are in your state or province then put in your state/prov & pick stallion under the gender. If you want a certain color stallion you can put in the color you want also.

If you want to see the horse after you get the list of them just click on the horses name. It will bring up another screen with all of the horses info on it including a 5 generation pedigree. You can then click on any of the horses in the pedigree & get their info & a 5 generation pedigree on them.

There is also a picture upload feature. If the owner of the horse would like to upload a picture of his/her horse they can do that. You can upload up to 3 pictures. Just click on the upload picture link. You will need a password to do it though. If you want a password you can request one from me from the upload screen.

So try it out and let me & Lori know what you think of it please.

Mail can be sent to Lori's address from the "Capable Computing link also on the opening Ponyweb screen.


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