This message is from: Mary Thurman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I wonder if anyone else is concerned about the
> implications of the Blonken 
> posts and the  51/2 Fjords for Sale posts? 

Yes, Vivian, these things do concern me - for many of
the same reasons that they concern you.  But there is
another reason that these things happen as well,
having to do with Mother Nature's recent "ravings".  I
would guess that a Fjord, or any horse, would be
pretty hard to sell in many parts of the country this
winter - particularly in Montana.  When I visited
Libby in September, I found out first hand from my
neice that there simply was NO MORE hay to be had in
western Montana at that time.  It seems they had a
pretty universal crop failure - as did many farmers
here in western Washington.  Hay is at a PREMIUM, if
available at all, in many parts of the country this
winter.  Makes it pretty hard to sell horses, no
matter how desperately you need to.  Add to that the
phenomenon that Fjords in particular can be nearly
impossible to market in some blocks of the US - if it
isn't a QH or an Arab they won't even look at it.  I
am completely serious here, having dealt with this for
several years.  It is one of the reasons we no longer
raise Fjords - even though I hate the thought of
Line's bloodline becoming scarce in the States.  We
simply could not sell them locally - or anywhere in
Western Washington.  Hopefully, with more people out
here owning and using them this has changed in recent

Just a couple more thoughts for "listers" to consider.


Mary Thurman
Raintree Farms

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