This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

From: "Bushnell's" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I didn't mean any kind of a reproach toward you, or Pat, >Karen...Guess I was just talking Montanian,

As they say in Australia, " no worries, no dramas.."

I really know what you mean though when you say that this breed can be grossly misrepresented as being "born broke". It seems that about every other person contacting me with a sales inquiry brings this up, and then I have to tactfully educate them without making the horses out to be some kind of monsters!

Please send some Montana moisture down our way, if you have any to spare. I am afraid we are in the beginning of a drought cycle. Dragged one of the pastures today and I thought I was in a Steinbeckian dust bowl, cough-cough, wheeze.
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