This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Eqvalan is specifically labled for oral use , but  the Ivomec is labled
for injection.  However the Merck Factory rep said they were identical.  I
quess you should verify this for yourself somehow and not take my word for
it! :)

I thought it might be more of a hassle to administer the liquid instead of
the paste, but it actually was easier, as I squirted it in with a 12 CC
plastic syringe without a needle and they made no attempt to spit it out.
My vet used a "drenching syringe" which he hooked directly to the bottle of
Eqvalan for multiple doses.  However when it broke, he simply used the
plastic syringe.  Last time when I had the Spring clinic I was going to do
the ivermectin paste instead of having him worm with the liquid as that
cost $22 for each horse, but he said I could  save money if I would give it
myself and he would sell me a bottle; that the liquid was really much more
effective. It is apparently immediately absorbed through the mucous
membranes of the mouth, etc. into the blood stream and gets any larvae
moving around in the blood and tissues, altho not the encysted ones.  I
suppose the paste does the same, but gets diluted with the stomach contents.

Any comments from our vet experts on liquid vs paste?


>is the eqvalan or ivomec also made for oral use?  or does it say injectable

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska, Sun is setting at 2:37 and the temperature has
dropped to zero from a high yesterday of +45.  The warm chinook wind
stripped all the beautiful snow and frost decorations off the spruce and
birch trees! :(

Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

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