This message is from: "Frederick J. (Fred) Pack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear List,

We had to get rid of a Basset Hound (same family as a beagle).  It would
bite any young animal that tried to sniff it.  Tore open the nose of our
resident deer, Hucklebuck.

The final straw was when it tore open the nose of a young Llama.  Sneaky and
devious dogs.

We have three beautiful Great Pyrenees ladies that sleep all day (except
when they hear a hawk or trouble), and guard all night.  Although we have
plenty of bobcat, coyotes, cougar, and bear....none have ever entered our
perimeter.  Possums that are dumb enough to try to get to our birds, end up
as a dead present on our front porch..

We can't recommend the Pyr's more highly.  We also have two "yappers",

Happy Holidays,

Fred and Lois Pack
Pack's Peak Stables
Pack's Llama Way
Wilkeson, WA USA

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