This message is from: "Rebecca Mayer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

We use high tensile wire fencing around the entire farm perimeter.  That way
we can run horses in and out of the barn and from field to field without
haltering them.  Within fields we use the temporary orange or yellow tape
fence to keep them in various areas and various groups of horses separated.
This has worked well for all horse, but the stallion. We caught him
breeding a mare right over the electric fence!  We train foals to the fence
by putting them out in a small area and watching until they run into it
for the first time--after that they respect it.  We never separate mares
and foals with an electric fence at weaning.  I saw a mare in Holland
do a somersault over an electric fence (her feet caught on the top) when
accidentially separated from her foal.
I picked up a great, simple tip that I had never thought of and which
would have prevented several driving accidents that I know of though
neither of my two--close the barn door while driving so a runaway
can't run back into the barn and catch the cart on the doors.

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