This message is from: "Ursula Jensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi list....we are having some glorious fall weather here in the Sunny
Okanagan of B.C.....I am using the opportunity. like some of you, to do
a bit of riding thru the crisp fall leaves. Sam & Nesja on the other
hand are giving us clear messages that their 'work' is done for the
season and it's time to get down to some serious pasture eating. These
two are on controlled feed in the summer so after they get their shoes
pulled in the fall and their show season is over, they finally get to do
some grazing and really don't appreciate having to give that up to
satisfy my need to go for a ride in the park.

Had some sad news today. Pat Malloy called me this morning to say he
would be going in for brain surgery on the 12th. Unbeknown to him, he
has had a brain tumour for 5 years.

Some of you may remember  Pat and Shaw from Libby last year. They live
just south of Calgary and have the two mares Peppin and Perth who
placed  3rd and 4th in that HUGE mare class last year.Pat came twice
this summer for driving lessons and plans to be in Libby in 2000 to give
Brian and Beth a run for their money. No doubt he will.

I'm sure he could use all of your thoughts and prayers on the 12th. He
has tried on several occasions to link up to the List but has not quite
got it right yet  but I will forward the instructions to him again and
hopefully he will be able to join us on-line during his recovery. Maybe
Steve can help him out .

Pat and Shaw have a young family and are great Fjord people who are
becoming more active in both the CFA and the PNFPG so I'm sure they
would be grateful for your good thoughts and wishes. Their e-mail
address is  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Pat is in Calgary Foothills Hosp. right now but he will be going back
home on Tues to wait for his surgery(back in Calgary) on the 12th. His
father is a surgeon at the Foothills so I know he will be in good hands.
They have two of the top neurosurgeons and the most modern MRI surgery
theatre in Canada there. We can help with his morale and together will
get him through this difficult time.

Take a minute to write him a note of support, please.

Also, Aaren updated our website today and it is ready for visitors. Take
a look at some photos of the Calgary Carriage Classic and Victoria Horse
Trials, some of our students this summer and our 'Red'....he's a Gromar
& Konggard grandson and a real sweetie to boot.

Ursula & Brian Jensen
Trinity Fjords
Box 1032 Lumby BC Canada V0E-2G0
(250) 547-6303

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