This message is from: "Knutsen Fjord Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi List persons -

I just read on the Digest that, because I have bought an aluminun
trailer, I have "gotten there", wherever that is.... What a relief, I've
spent so much of my life "on the way there", and now, like the others on
today's Digest, I'm riding instead of putting it off!

Thank you all again for your kind thoughts and comments about Sonny.  He
seems to be doing better [last shot this AM].  Our main indicator is a
drop in temp, [101.3 - 98.7] because he's not that much more lively.
We've been keeping him warm and giving lots of extra vitamins.  Thanks
much for your informative post, Gayle.

However, Erlend and Pepper have had dust coughs, and now I'm concerned
about them, even tho 2 vets have listened to their lungs and pronounced
them clear as of a couple of days ago.  Will keep you posted.  We
finally have located a source for "hog fuel" which will keep the blowing
dust down and discourage digging in the dust for that last 1/8 inch of

Fortunately, except for a real dust storm the day back from Libby, the
weather has been splendid.  Nice warm days and cool nights.  The barn is
being roofed today, so we'll have time to go over the area with a giant
magnet before putting the footing down.  Am looking for old barn boards
to line the tack/feed/office room with, but probably will have to use
knotty pine.  At least I'll have about the best view in the valley from
there [Fjords + mountains].

More later - Peg

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