This message is from: "Cheryl Beillard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Carolyn .. you said you throw the "gear" in a bucket or laundry tub with
water and some Murphy's Oil Soap and let it soak, etc. then oil and
condition ... this is a dumb question but do you mean 'everything" .. ?? all
parts of the harness? bridle too? and is this something you do regularly or
once a year?  I have tried a number of products but Dave McWethy not only
suggested but gave me some Harness Honey and it's super .. but there is a
lot of dust on the back roads we use and I'm not sure if it doesn't make the
leather attract more .. anyhow, it seems to get soiled pretty fast and then
the question is how often one should apply the Honey or anything else?
Also, with so many products out there, and if you try more than one, once
the leather is impregnated with it, you'd think it might affect the
effectiveness of subsequent ones you might apply?  I've been just wiping off
the harness with a wet sponge, and doing a major clean about once a month ..
is that too much or not enough?  Harness experts out there??

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