This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>horses seem to prefer the fence posts, cedar.  

NEVER build any fences or barns etc. out of cedar:  They LOVE it!  and it
is so crispy to chew!  I learned that after I built a lovely feeding area
using cedar fence posts and boards.

My fjords chew wood out of frustration and boredom, especially after it has
been raining for days, and the rain also softens up the surface of the
rails to make it more inviting.  I looked out one day to see all four lined
up at the inner fence (no electric) chewing away!
Chewing seems to increase when the snow first comes also.  I feed some Calf
Manna in the winter months, quit it in the summer, but I feel that the Calf
Manna has extra calcium and magnesium which helps deter the chewing.  Also
I cut green aspen saplings and throw lengths of green aspen logs into their
corrals to chew on.  They do seem to need to chew on something and Green
aspen seems a lot healthier than dry (treated) boards!

Wood chewing is not the same as cribbing..don't know if a cribbing collar
would really work to deter chewing itself. 

These fall days my fjords are kept busy picking up the gold aspen leaves
that are falling in their corrals..hardly a leaf to be seen!  At least that
keeps them off the fence rails!

Jean in golden Fairbanks, Alaska, another 60 degree sunny day!
Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

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