This message is from: Marsha Jo Hannah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I suppose this query will bring up the perennial spares kit
> question, what do you carry and why. List??? ( Hobbles, twine,a
> leatherman, and 2 socket wrenches that fit all my nuts are high on my
> list!)

A halter and lead rope are highly desirable, to attach the animal to
something while you fix whatever broke.  My kit includes a hoof
pick/knife, one of those hammers that has a bunch of screwdrivers in
the handle, wrenches for the wheels, a hole-punch tool, assorted
leather thongs, nylon rope, baling wire, lineman's pliers (can both
cut wire and bend it as needed), electrical tape (duct tape works
wonders, too), and a spare bit.  (That was left over from when I was
driving the donkey in a rubber bit, which might break.)  I've also got
a spare "tractor pin", which is what I use to keep the traces on my
singletree (instead of the traditional leather thong).  And, I've
usually got a swiss army knife in my hip pocket.

I keep all this stuff in a roll-up pocket thingy (like some
socket-wrench pouch sets) that I sewed up out of denim.  I got a
couple of bicycle baskets (the kind that go on either side of the back
wheel of a kid's bike) and used computer cable-ties to attach them
under the seat of my pipe cart.  The mesh on the baskets is a little
coarse, i.e. a lead rope can escape if it's not clipped to something,
but the baskets can support something like a small pack or other cloth
bag to contain stuff.

Marsha Jo Hannah                Murphy must have been a horseman--
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               anything that can go wrong, will!
30 mi SSE of San Francisco, Calif.

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