This message is from: "Cindy Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

It seems like some have taken offense to the weight of the rider discussion.
I just want to add my two cents. A horse can carry a certain amount of
weight before you start to break it down. I have seen to many riders, man
and woman who where to large for the size of horse they were riding. If you
are a larger person and want to ride, thats great but ride a horse that can
handle your weight. I have seen too many larger men or women riding a 800lb
Arab, etc.. If you don't have a horse that can handle the weight, than maybe
driving is a better option.  I believe a horse and rider need to match to
some degree. My father-in-law is 6'8" and I don't see him riding a Fjord.
Just think about your over all height and weight when you choose your horse.
I don't care if this offends anyone, but think about the welfare of the
animal. Yes, horses are strong and big, but they do have their limits. They
might die trying, but is it worth it?


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