This message is from: "Ruth Bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>This message is from: "Julie Will" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Hello everyone out in Fjord Land.  I have been absent from the list since
>our trip to South Africa in the middle of February, but now am caught up
>enough to have time once again to read the list and participate.  I am very
>thankfully IN REMISSION at this time, and feeling strong and energetic!  I
>am so thankful for the countless good wishes and prayers that have come my
>way.  Just being able to feed our horses and shovel manure is a treat for
>me....never thought I would appreciate it so much!
>me privately if interested in more information............(snip)
>Spring is creeping into NY, with the grass looking greener every day, and
>the peepers singing to each other at night.  Happy Easter...Happy Spring!!!
>Julie Will
>Old Hickory Farm
>Weedsport, New York
Well Julie, you just made my Easter EXTRA happy when I read of your improved
health, that's wonderful news!! We're both very happy for you and appreciate
you sharing that.

Great story with a happy ending on the orphan foal too.

A Happy Spring to you too! =)))))
Ruthie and Gene, nw mt

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