This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I lost my beloved Katrina Sunday afternoon when she was in labor with her 
foal. Not sure what happened but she seemed to be doing fine when she had 
what was very like a seizure, moments later she was gone. My vet was here and 
he cut her baby from her dead body. He is a strong boy and was on his feet in 
20 minutes. I am bottle feeding him every 90 minutes and so far so good. The 
next few days are critical so I need both your prayers and advice. Anyone who 
has raised an orphan foal I need your help please. I need to save this colt 
he is all I have left of my beautiful horse.
I also need a name a strong Norwegian one that will give him and I strength 
for the days ahead. The names I had picked out just don't seem appropriate 
now. His sire is King Gjestar II.

Sue Clark-Sorger
Crown Oak Fjords
Sandia park NM

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