This message is from: "Dave Walter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I wanted to write about the MWFHC winter's meeting/clinic that was held this
last weekend in Galena IL.  We just got home, got the horse settled in and
everything else unpacked as well.  I had to write and since I am going in
for knee surgery tomorrow morning(have to be there at 4:30AM, surgery
7:30AM-why 3 hrs who knows?)  I didn't want to put off writing this incase I
could not get to the computer for a few days.  The weekend was just
wonderful.  The weather was iffy, but for the most part the bad stuff was
not bad or we got it at night.  I think Gayle and Anne would disagree, they
thought it was pretty cold and nasty.  Heard they had asked to hold the
meeting in Hawaii but the club was just too cheap!!! (kidding)  I was
fortunate enough to be asked to bring our gelding, OH Silas to ride the
introductory eval. english test with Anne Appleby commenting.  She is
wonderful!  I can not say enough good about her, she is honest, sweet,
knowledgeable, humble, great with horse and people, very nice to be around,
just makes you feel so comfortable.  I felt like I had private lessons with
her all weekend, what an honor.  I rode the test and then Anne cut it down
and showed the people what some of the things Judges are looking for, steady
tempos, smooth transitions, distinct  gaits, bend, on the bit and the people
seemed to really like that.  They were able to see the difference as she
would ask me to show them a good trot, then a slow or fast trot, one that
was slow, fast, slow, fast, etc.  Having a visual helps so much.  Nancy
Hotovy rode the western introductory and the advance with Gayle Ware
commenting.  Another woman with incredible knowledge.  I did not know how
funny Gayle is, she keeps you in stitches all the time.  These two woman are
just incredible, you people out west you are very very blessed!!!!  I was
just trying to soak in everything they had to say.   I know our club was
very glad they came to share and help us learn how we can show our Fjords to
the best of their ability.  Rich Hotovy had Bob Gudknecht driving his mare
in the draft test as Rich told what was to be done.  Hotovy's used the same
mare for riding as for draft and she is wonderful!  Smooth, steady and
totally willing and obedient.  Rich has trained her right, when she hears
him start to talk to other people, I think she knows she better take a nap
as it could be awhile, cause she never moves until told to, and if you know
Rich it could be a while!  They just did a outstanding job.  Believe we had
around 70 in attendance.  Those that came out inspite of the weather were
sure glad they did. The MWFHC is a progressive and active group.  One that
works well together and yet is very diverse, it's a great club.  A big Thank
you to Green Valley Farms in Galena IL, Pat Holland, Sophie and Howard
Fielder plus staff all work so hard to put on a great meeting/clinic.  On
Sunday GVF had an Open House to show off their new stallion plus their other
studs.  I know everyone was impressed with their stock.  They truly are
looking to keep the breed pure with great quality.  They should be very
proud.  Not only do they have great stock they have a great facility where
they can train them the way they need to be, so they will be great quality
working Fjords.  Thank you again, Anne and Gayle for surviving our Midwest
winter, I'll try and work on the executive committee to move it to Hawaii
next year, actually that sounds good to me!!  Any Fjords in Hawaii
Patti Jo Walter and Silas

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