This message is from: "Anneli Sundkvist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


In the old days here in Sweden, halters were seldom used on horses when they 
were tied up in their stalls, instead a "dog-collar" was used. It's simply 
called "neckring". 

There are pictures of them at:

Clic "grimmor" on the left, then clic "halsrem" (if that doesn't work, I can 
e-mail you a pic privatley).

These are very good for horses that escape from their collars and comfortable 
too since a tied-up horse have their head free. The system has been used for 
many years and I don't think that the accidents have been more common for 
horses tied up with "neckrings" than with ordinary halters. Neckrings were 
often used for the army horses and they are still used for the horses of the 
Royal stable (but they are soon moving in to box stalls all of them).

We had a fjord gelding by the Name of Eke when I worked in the fjord-camp in 
the 80's. He ALWAYS escaped from his halter and had to be tied up with a neck 
ring. Worked fine.

I don't know if there are any necksrings where you live, but it must be able to 
have one made. If you want to, I can order one and send it to you. The leather 
ones are c. $20 + $8 in shipping + packing etc + something for shipping it to 
you. Nylon are much cheaper, c. $5 (depending on length), but the 
shipping/packing is the same.



Anneli Sundkvist
Department of Archaeology & Ancient History
Uppsala University
St. Eriks Torg 5
S-753 10 Uppsala
Phone: +46-18-4712082

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