This message is from: "Laurie Pittman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> a  1 1/2 year old Fjord ...shall we say "brat" gelding??

Sue, I think maybe Tor and Storm could be related. Take heart though, they
do come around......with a lot of work. Tor is 6 1/2 now and we've come a
long way. He's still not what I'd call an easy horse to work with though.
I've come to the conclusion that he is always going to challenge me. I don't
feel that he's bad, just tough and very opinionated. I felt like I lost some
ground with him last year when I got sick. He got pretty pushy and bossy.
When I got to feeling good enough to deal with it he got real bent out of
shape about it. In fact he had a bit of a tantrum, sulked for a day, and
then got over it. Things are ok again. He's back to minding his manners.
Just wish I had more time to drive. I hate going to work and getting home in
the dark!

Laurie in NW Washington

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