This message is from: Ruth Bushnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 10:34 PM 12/28/00 -0500, you wrote:
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 00-12-28 22:12:30 EST, you write:

<< This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Claudia Galup)
 I am also becoming alarmed about the number of deaths in the past few
 months.  I've subscribed to this List for three years, and don't
 remember ever having so many deaths reported in so short a
 time........and so many possible colics.
  My vet says that winter colics are much more common than summer colics. He
blames the low intake of water with unheated tanks with impactions. further encourage intake. Lisa Pedersen
I asked a seasoned cowboy here in Montana about colic, what he thought was the cause-- was it cold water? He said no way, said horses winter ranged for years often eating snow for water and that he thought it was INACTION that was the primary cause.

I can't help but wonder if compressed pellets might have something to do with it? Especially with ponies who have voracious appetites and would just naturally overload on them, then they start SWELLING in the gut....?

Now remember, that was a question, not a statement of fact. I don't know. It sure makes a person wonder though.

Natural is better, the sages say.
Ruthie, NW MT

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