This message is from: "Denise Delgado" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

listers,  i LOVE all the recent posting on lounging, trotting and training
talk of 3 year olds, as i have quinn (aka bo-fjords "cloudy") who is 3-1/2.
please keep it coming.  denise

I havent worried about this because of his age ......A horse needs to have a
great trot and be balanced before you can expect them to get the canter
right. .... The dressage "experts" that I talk to
> all say the same thing.  Get her going in side reins on the lungeline.
> get the horse more balanced and used to it. ...But because she is not yet
balanced enough, and her muscles
> need to be developed properly for this, she tends to just rush off.  It's
> of the big things we're working on..... at a trot.  When the trot is
> exquisite (and it IS getting there) then we move on to a canter under
>  Patience.  With a good foundation your horse (and mine) will get there.

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