This message is from: "Ursula Jensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello all ....time for a quick reminder about getting your Evaluation photos
in to Catherine Lassessen for inclusion in the Record all know
who you are out there because you got a letter in May telling you all about
This book (first to be published in English) is going to have a
revolutionary effect on the Fjord horse in North America so I suggest you
get your photos in before the deadline of Oct 15. Sandy is doing the data
and compiling the photo section of the book and she is longing for photos so
she can get started...
It seems folks are waiting for the deadline......please don't. Check your
archives for the picture of your horse at the time of it's Evaluation and
send it in...of course, if you didn't take any photos at the time...we will
accept new photos taken NOW in summer fur....

ALSO........don't miss out on the introductory offer of $20 for the
book....the order form in on the NFHR website so send in your money to Mike
for that. We need your initial support to publish this project.....I KNOW
once you see the book with all the Evaluation results and pictures, you will
want one BUT it will cost you $35.
DO IT NOW!!!!!!! DON'T WAIT!!!!!!

I will have order forms at Libby and there will be posters there  too....If
you can catch Sandy at the show (she will be wearing the videographer hat on
the podium) during ALL her spare time, she may even show you a mock up
version of the book....(Sandy, smack me on the side of the head for saying

As usual I will be very busy at Libby (we are bringing 5 horses) but will be
more than happy to answer question about the book (in the morning or after
the show is a better time).....

Ursula & Brian Jensen
Trinity Fjords
Box 1032 Lumby BC Canada V0E-2G0
(250) 547-6303

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