This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

From: "Patryjak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

freeze and thaw, freeze and thaw, constant mud. Old barn, new stalls, >old clay stall floors. In January both horses developed terrible >scratches on all four (8) pasterns.....Awfull to treat when it was so >cold and impossible to keep clean. ...I hope I never have to treat >scratches again...have also been told by numerous horse folks that >sauerkraut juice works too...I would think it would sting, but some >swear by it!

Betsy in stormy, buggy, muggy Michigan where we are cleaning up downed trees from yesterdays gales and hail...Lots of free firewood!

I too have experienced the "heartbreak" of scratches w/ one horse (thank god only 2 legs affected) in the middle of winter. I did bring my horse in from the muck for several days as I bandaged his legs w/ my concoction for scratches. We have 16x16 rubber matted stalls w/runs. Never thougt about the scratches correlation as regards dirt in stalls (we have a DG base), only in the pasture. BTW, sauerkraut was one of the many remedies offered up to me at the time...didn't try it as I really wanted to try the full-on chemical warfare w/ this nasty stuff on his legs. Swollen, cracking, bleeding, poor boy!


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