This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

as a follow up to the bizzare scratches remedy I posted yesterday,(very non-herbal :]), and as a good after-care wound ointment, I really like a product called Trainer's Formula. Has Emu oil listed as one of the main ingedients. It smells really odd, and will last all day on your hands unless you use gloves. I had a horse that got really tangeled up in barb wire out on the trail, and had some horrific wounds. After the the about 8 days of regular cleaning and bandaging in standing wraps, the wounds were scabbing nicely and no longer oozing and draining. I applied this stuff 2x day. He almost looks as good as new, no hair loss, just some raised welts from the scarring. Another herbal wound remedy I like to use is calendula oil or gel. I make my own topical gels of calendula and arnica by getting generic lubricating jelly and mixing in a few drops of tincture. Can also be put in a small spray bottle w/ distilled water. BTW, there is an ointment that has a steroid in it, Panalog, that also works very well on scratches, but I was told to only use it with DMSO.

Karen in Carson City,NV
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