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> We were reminiscing the other day about when we first hitched a 
> horse -
> standing in the barn with an incomplete set of harness (in not too 
> good
> of condition either) and the Draft Horse Handbook by Lynn Miller.  
> We
> would look at the pictures and try to figure out what piece went 
> where!

That's too funny because Amy and I did the exact same thing.  There we
were in the barn with our  D. H. Handbook and our borrowed harness that
was made for a mule trying to figure out what went where.  All the time
our fjord was standing there patiently thinking, I'm sure, "Alright, what
are these two idiots up to now."

I've always wanted to go to the Progress Days, but I always end up saying
"well maybe next year".  So much to do, so little time.  But I am looking
forward to seeing you and all the others at Blue Earth this year (hot
weather or not).  That's one trip I won't let slip by.

Tell Rich I'm jealous.  See you in a few weeks.

Steve White
Waterloo, Nebraska

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