This message is from: Nancy Hotovy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Just wanted to let those that are interested in horse drawn farm
equipment and working with horses know that Horse Progress Days in
Kinzers, Pennsylvania is now going on.  I know this post is a little
late for planning but if you're near Eastern Pennsylvania you should
stop by.

Rich took 4 horses out there to demonstrate new horse drawn equipment
and then in the afternoons they have an exhibition of breeds.  He called
me tonight and Lynn Miller (publisher of the Small Farmers Journal) is
out there.  He is Rich's hero.  He must be - - I'm not allowed to EVER
throw out a Small Farmers Journal and we have every book he's ever put
out!  If anyone stops by for an overnight stay, guess what the spare
bedroom closets are full of!?!?

We were reminiscing the other day about when we first hitched a horse -
standing in the barn with an incomplete set of harness (in not too good
of condition either) and the Draft Horse Handbook by Lynn Miller.  We
would look at the pictures and try to figure out what piece went where!
Thank goodness we had fjords - - they are soooo forgiving when you mess
things up!
Oh well, we've come a long ways since that time.

Hope to see a lot of you in Blue Earth.  I've ordered nice weather (not
hot) for this year and we always have the Dairy Queen available!

Nancy Hotovy
The Upper Forty

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