This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 6/11/00 7:35:41 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< he said his perception of them is that
 they have a mule-like temperment.  he said they are very stubborn and
 implied they are basically harder to deal with than a regular horse.   >>

hmmmm.....  I think you handle any animal with respect and you will have an 
animal that enjoys their work.  I've heard about a mule-like temperment 
before on this list, but find all my fjords, young and old are a bit 
opinionated, but willing partners.  They tell me how they feel about 
something, I acknowledge it, and then ask them to do what I want anyway.  If 
the horse is already trained, they will usually do as I ask.  If it's a baby, 
I may need to show the youngster that there is nothing to fear, or any reason 
to balk.  We're trailer training babies now.  I find them very interested, 
curious and compliant.  But I'm taking it slow.  Guess I'd do that with any 
breed of horse though.


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